Be Patterns
reflections on words of George Fox
Pendle Hill Pamphlet 473
While imprisoned in Launceston Goal in 1656, George Fox wrote a letter to Friends that contains two sentences that are among his most frequently quoted words, beginning with “Be patterns, be examples, in all countries, places, islands, nations, wherever you come.” The first part of this pamphlet examines the broader meaning of each of the six individual phrases that make up those two sentences, then summarizes the essence of those thoughts in one or two sentences of my own that translate Fox’s words into guidance that has direct and practical meaning for my life today. The second part of the pamphlet considers how to become a spiritual pattern by drawing on the ideas of Rex Ambler and Edgar Cayce about the process of meditation and turning to the Inner Light.
This pamphlet is based on a presentation to the Chestnut Hill Friends Meeting; I appreciate the encouragement of members of the Meeting who attended the presentation.
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